Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It's Ms. Producer To You!

So I went to the workshop. Eh, I only learned how to use the CAMERA, EDIT, and did a lil brainstorming on possible STORIES that we will be covering in shoots in the near future! AHHHHHHHH... I had a blast! This is definitely the career I want. I learned how to focus and zoom in on the subject through the lens. I also was being directed by the control room via headset to do many cool things with the camera! Learned many different terms used in the biz. Then after that, we spoke of different topics we are going to be covering and interviews that we will be having with several staff officials. The show will be based on college issues and how students are affected. It was amazing. I felt so professional. Later that day, I went to the media lab and edited some footage. Only for practice though. It only took me a couple minutes to get the hang of AVID (the editing software). The professor was astounded of how fast I edited a piece of footage and told me that I did extremely well for the first day. (dusts shoulder off) LOL. Of all the aspects of what a producer 's tasks entail, I think I'm going to be the best at editing. I just have a feeling about it. I find it so much fun. So, I stayed in that lab for about 4 hrs with the professor learning other cool tricks and watching past TV shows he has produced. I had a awesome day. I can't wait till the next meeting.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lights! Camera! Action!

Today I interviewed Professor Ellis who is the producer of "BMCC on Air" which is my school's television show. For my "Mass Media" class I am required to do "interview of passion" as a project. Needless to say, I wasn't thrilled when I heard about the assignment. A sea of negative thoughts came into my head. First, I hate rejection and this sounded like there was going to be rejection involved. Secondly, Where the heck am I going to interview a TV producer? Thirdly, who the hell is going to take time out of their busy schedule to interview me? Immediately I thought, Late Night with Conan O Brien. My dream gig. Thing is, I just don't feel comfortable picking up the phone and calling a producer at "Conan" and asking for an interview. No. I refuse to. I decided to start small and learn the in's and out's and the who's whos of the industry. I decided I'd interview the school's TV show producer. He is the most down to earth professor ever. I was so nervous at first! Five minutes into the interview I was fine. Christ! I've got to chill with the nerves if I'm going to get a job at all! I asked him some great questions about his background, credentials, experiences, and advice on the industry and how I can get in. I got awesome feedback. Learned things that I didn't know. He tells me that in this business experience is what gets you the job and your degree is what gets you in the door. Experience is everything! Nowadays, they want to see your work on a DVD along with your resume. It's that competitive! He also recommended that I take as many Studio Production, Editing and English classes as possible. He mentioned that writing skills give you a big advantage as a producer. For story writing and scripts it is very important that you have sharp writing skills. He also mentioned it is also an advantage to "wear two hats" and become an editor and producer or as he calls it a "preditor." Production companies are always looking for ways to save money. Becoming a "preditor" will give an advantage in a very competitive industry. I got some great insight and tips about pursuing my career in production. As I was concluding the interview, I asked how can I get involved on the school's TV program. He invited me to sit in on a workshop for the program and show me the ropes of the Hi-Def studio. (SO EXCITED) He also offered to teach me the video editing software! It will give a leg up on future courses I am required to take next term. Can it get better than this? This is going to be one helluva "interview of passion" speech for my mass media class. I've never been so excited to work for free. Can't wait for tomorrow! :-)

Monday, February 19, 2007

Poor Brit

My heart goes out to Britney. Living under such an intense spotlight must really suck. Can you really blame her for going nuts? I mean she has a mansion and more money than the average person dreams of. But, would I trade my Madden's for her Choo's? Absolutely not. Too much fame must be the most horrible position to be in. I mean the girl can't even go to the store without 50 paparazzi following her. I'm a short-tempered person and I would probably be in prison by now for running over a papparazo. lol. As a teenager, I looked up to Britney. Now? Not so much. She is on a downward spiral and I really feel sorry for her. The wedding in Vegas with the unknown. Then, she married K-Fed. The divorce and now this. Theres only so much you can take before you go flying over the cuckoo's nest. Hopefully Brit shaving off her hair was symbolic. Maybe she is shedding her past and starting over again. I hope that things turn out better for her soon. I guess this is the price of fame. :-/

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mua' As a Southpark Character

Aren't I adorable?! :-)
The drink was kinda sour. lol.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Confidence is key! | my thoughts on school |

So, I'm super excited and at the same time scared shitless in regards to school. I had an excellent run last semester and managed to get my GPA of the floor. Now I have a B! My goal is to be a honor student by the end of this semester. At least a 3.3. I want to be invited into the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. But my ultimate goal is get accepted to the TV production program at NYU. I have big dreams and I know can realize them. Without an ounce of doubt. :-) My English professor from last semester already offered me a recommendation letter! I had so much confidence last semester. I was unstoppable! Now I feel like I'm going into a slump. Don't get me wrong. I'm doing all of my work and I'm doing well. I just don't feel as cocksure as I did before. When I vent to Jose about how I feel he always gives that extra oomph I need to get out that door instead of crawling back into my little hole. Like I did in past years. I never want to go back to that state again! I wasted so much time and money because of it. I've been doing extensive research on programs that other schools offer in the field I want to study. In the event that I find myself in a rut and won't be able to get the loans that I need to pay the fortune that is NYU tuition. :-/ City College offers a B.F.A. in "Film and TV production" which is a whole lot more affordable and doable. If I want to continue and get an M.F.A. City College offers it as well. (City College is right by Jose's too. :-)) I have researched other schools but they are all private. Pace,Fordham, and Columbia have great programs and the are all very respected. I just don't see myself going to them. It's either NYU for "TV production" (which ranks 4th in the nation for both tv and film production, the rest are on the west coast) or City College for (one major) "Film and TV production." I'm trying to finish at BMCC asap. I don't like the school. It sorta feels like H.S. It's like the land of the lost. I'm found and I don't feel the need to be there anymore. (I know that sounded corny :-)~) It's a great school. Helped me get my grades up and has an awesome media center. Believe or not, its state of the art. The best in the country (at least for the next couple months, as my professor told me). For my major and field, its a great school to start off. I'm so glad I don't have any horrible professors. I'll make it as long as I have my eye on the prize and believe in myself. Confidence is key!