Sunday, September 16, 2007

Poor Brit 2.0 "The Comeback"

I've been gone for a minute and boy do I have a lot to say. I must follow up on my last Britney post. I have to address the pink elephant (No pun intended) making the rounds onto the gossip blogs of cyberspace. Evidently, I'm talking about Britney Spears. Ms. inTOXICated herself. How about that ghastly performance y'all? Whoa kid. When I saw that close-up shot of those ratty hair extensions I knew I was about to witness Spear's rock bottom, LIVE. In the days prior to the VMA's, I was convinced when I first heard the catchy "Gimme More" that "The Spears" was back with a vengeance and was going to prove to the world that the blogs and the tabloid weeklies were just propaganda. A sacrificial burning of Britney's reputation in attempt to acquire record internet hits and shocking tabloid headlines. Regardless, I was on team Britney and was anticipating "The Comeback". Instead, Spears just confirmed that she is definitely not well. What was she thinking? Has she completely lost it? The ratty hair. The lethargic performance. The unflattering outfit. The demonic blue contact lenses. The inebriated demeanor. We all know that she always lipsynchs but come on now, at least make it look believable. I couldn't believe my eyes. It's so funny because it really was like watching a train wreck. I couldn't believe that her dancers were better than her. She couldn't hit the dance moves properly. At some point I thought she was dancing to "walk like an Egyptian". (If you don't know what I'm talking about watch it again with the song playing on your speakers) She was just tripping all over the place. Did she even care? Or. Was she just high? and most importantly, who (in the spears camp) was the IDIOT that let this girl take the stage?!

Another really popular topic, among the many concerning Brit Brit is that she is fat. Can we agree to disagree? Britney is at a healthy weight. I repeat healthy WEIGHT. We all know she is not healthy per say. Britney is just not in SHOWBIZ shape. She chose to wear a less than desirable costume. Most Americans would kill to look like Britney after bearing 2 children. Come on now people. FACT: The average dress size of an American woman is a size 14. Go figure! Having said that, I think all this hoopla about her weight is total bullshit.

The impending custody battle for her children couldn't have come at a worst time. K Fed's pit bull lawyers are serving subpoenas to everyone under the sun that has been around Britney in the past tumultuous year. Who saw the Britney special on VH1? When you see everything that has happened to Britney in the past year crammed into a one hour special all you think is "this bitch really is insane"! Hopefully the judge doesn't catch the rerun.

Larry Rudolf (Brit's former manager) was literally on the run from being served with papers to be a witness in court. He knew he will be forced to tell the truth on the stand about Britney being unstable and how he convinced her to go to rehab before they parted ways. It is really hard to not believe all this. After her appearance on the shitty VMA's (thats a whole other blog) it was apparent that Britney needs professional help. K-Fed aka superleech is going to win "father of the year" after all is said and done. My how the tables have turned.

What did you think of Sarah Silverman's roasting of Britney following her performance? What do you think Britney should do now?

Please comment and respond.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Omigod you guys! I went to see Legally blonde the musical!!!

So, yesterday I wanted to go out on the town and not stay home alone. I took the bus to Rockefeller Center to find out whats all the hoopla about the Wii. I personally think its ridiculous that they keep selling out every day for the the past 8 months! WTF! Anyway, the dude at the store told me there aren't any and that i should come back the next day and that they sell within the first hour! WTF! eff nintendo! fuhgeddiboutit! So, I then went to Sephora and did a lil' browsing. Nice stuff but all the tourists there were kinda irritating me so I quickly left. I was so bored and had no destination. As I was walking out of Sephora I saw some teenage white girl with some Legally Blonde memorabilia in hand. So I had a bright idea. Went over to the Broadway box office to get a ticket to see the musical. EXPENSIVE! But I'm rich biatch!!! I said, "eff it" and bought the ticket. For those of you that get vertigo when you go to watch a baseball game and are scared of heights, DO NOT GET MEZZANINE SEATS!!! OMG, I got so dizzy up there. It was like climbing down a ladder and not stairs. Never again will I get anything less than orchestra seats. The Ahole box office man gave me an isle seat like I asked him, but what he didn't tell me was that was next to a huge damn column! Needless to say, HORRIBLE SEAT!! I was constantly paranoid that if I leaned over too far and fell I was going to tumble onto the stage. Aside from the seat from HELL, the show was FAB!!! I'm glad that Broadway added a lil' youth to the usual old and boring shows for the elderly crowd. BLAH! I went to see Rent a couple years ago. Good message but BORING! I was looking forward to the intermission during the first half of that show. Anyhoo, anyone that wants to see a good Broadway show and is a girl or gay should def catch Legally Blonde the musical! SOOOO good! Let me know if you go see it. Tell me what you think. Till then blog buddies. Toodles!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dear Oprah

Today on Oprah, Susan Cagan debuted her song entitled "Dear Oprah." She was discovered in the NYC subway.At the age of 17, Susan ran away from home and went to New York City to start a new life. Susan grew up with a very strict upbringing. Her parents were involved in religious cult. Susan felt that she had to run away to take advantage of what the world has to offer. Through those hard times she wrote a letter to Oprah and later made into a song. Here are the lyrics. I hope they move you as they moved me.

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DEAR OPRAH by Sarah Cagan

I am broken, got a problem, and my world is crashing down.
I am writing with the hope that my letter will be found.
Dont expect you to read it, probably got better things to do.
I got no one to turn to, so I'm turning to you.
I'm out on a ledge, im stepping near the edge, I'm at the end of my road, you gotta give me some hope.

Dear Oprah
you see i had to run away.
Dear Oprah
and i aint got no where to stay.
I hope ya.
I hope you never feel this way.
You probably have your own stuff to deal with anyway.
Dear Oprah

Its shocking.
What its come to.
How my life is such a mess.
How quickly you can lose it all.
And I lost it, I confess.
I had a bad life, a bad home, and a messed up family.
And I woke up one morning and I got myself free.

Dear Oprah
You see I had to run away
Dear Oprah
and I aint got no where to stay
I hope ya
I hope you never feel this way
You probably have your own stuff to deal with anyway

Dear Oprah

Have you ever felt like breaking down?
When there aint no one that cares around
did you feel the this way, back in the day?
and what did you do?

Dear Oprah

You see i had to run away
Dear Oprah
And i aint got no where to stay
I hope ya
I hope you never feel this way
You probably have your own stuff to deal with anyway

Dear Oprah

Im writing you a letter, yea I'm feeling better, yea
I hope you never feel this way
You probably have your own stuff to deal with anyway.
Dear Oprah
I guess I'll turn the TV on and see what you've got to say....

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Ciao Italia Piccola! Gran Divertimento!

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day. I had a splendid time in Little Italy in the Bronx yesterday. We wanted to go try the famous stuffed breads at the famous Mike's Deli on Arthur Avenue as well as seeing all the Italian culture. The shops, the people, the atmosphere screamed Italian. I was being nosy and listening to conversations as I walked down the street. It was like walking into a Scorsese Italian mobster movie. It was GREAT! I also noticed the pattern of stores. Meat market,supermarket,deli. Gellato store, bakery, cheese store. Italians love food! Geez! Can you blame them? It really didn't feel like the Bronx I knew. The neighborhood really lives up to its name. Little Italy indeed. When we went to the Arthur Avenue market where Mike's deli it was truly an experience. They had all kinds of different Italian things there. From Italian coffee to the Italian breads. The staff was really nice and welcoming. We ordered and sat at the little dining area at Mike's to have lunch. Mangia! It was so much fun.Loved Little Italy!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It's Ms. Producer To You!

So I went to the workshop. Eh, I only learned how to use the CAMERA, EDIT, and did a lil brainstorming on possible STORIES that we will be covering in shoots in the near future! AHHHHHHHH... I had a blast! This is definitely the career I want. I learned how to focus and zoom in on the subject through the lens. I also was being directed by the control room via headset to do many cool things with the camera! Learned many different terms used in the biz. Then after that, we spoke of different topics we are going to be covering and interviews that we will be having with several staff officials. The show will be based on college issues and how students are affected. It was amazing. I felt so professional. Later that day, I went to the media lab and edited some footage. Only for practice though. It only took me a couple minutes to get the hang of AVID (the editing software). The professor was astounded of how fast I edited a piece of footage and told me that I did extremely well for the first day. (dusts shoulder off) LOL. Of all the aspects of what a producer 's tasks entail, I think I'm going to be the best at editing. I just have a feeling about it. I find it so much fun. So, I stayed in that lab for about 4 hrs with the professor learning other cool tricks and watching past TV shows he has produced. I had a awesome day. I can't wait till the next meeting.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Lights! Camera! Action!

Today I interviewed Professor Ellis who is the producer of "BMCC on Air" which is my school's television show. For my "Mass Media" class I am required to do "interview of passion" as a project. Needless to say, I wasn't thrilled when I heard about the assignment. A sea of negative thoughts came into my head. First, I hate rejection and this sounded like there was going to be rejection involved. Secondly, Where the heck am I going to interview a TV producer? Thirdly, who the hell is going to take time out of their busy schedule to interview me? Immediately I thought, Late Night with Conan O Brien. My dream gig. Thing is, I just don't feel comfortable picking up the phone and calling a producer at "Conan" and asking for an interview. No. I refuse to. I decided to start small and learn the in's and out's and the who's whos of the industry. I decided I'd interview the school's TV show producer. He is the most down to earth professor ever. I was so nervous at first! Five minutes into the interview I was fine. Christ! I've got to chill with the nerves if I'm going to get a job at all! I asked him some great questions about his background, credentials, experiences, and advice on the industry and how I can get in. I got awesome feedback. Learned things that I didn't know. He tells me that in this business experience is what gets you the job and your degree is what gets you in the door. Experience is everything! Nowadays, they want to see your work on a DVD along with your resume. It's that competitive! He also recommended that I take as many Studio Production, Editing and English classes as possible. He mentioned that writing skills give you a big advantage as a producer. For story writing and scripts it is very important that you have sharp writing skills. He also mentioned it is also an advantage to "wear two hats" and become an editor and producer or as he calls it a "preditor." Production companies are always looking for ways to save money. Becoming a "preditor" will give an advantage in a very competitive industry. I got some great insight and tips about pursuing my career in production. As I was concluding the interview, I asked how can I get involved on the school's TV program. He invited me to sit in on a workshop for the program and show me the ropes of the Hi-Def studio. (SO EXCITED) He also offered to teach me the video editing software! It will give a leg up on future courses I am required to take next term. Can it get better than this? This is going to be one helluva "interview of passion" speech for my mass media class. I've never been so excited to work for free. Can't wait for tomorrow! :-)