DEAR OPRAH by Sarah Cagan
I am broken, got a problem, and my world is crashing down.
I am writing with the hope that my letter will be found.
Dont expect you to read it, probably got better things to do.
I got no one to turn to, so I'm turning to you.
I'm out on a ledge, im stepping near the edge, I'm at the end of my road, you gotta give me some hope.
Dear Oprah
you see i had to run away.
Dear Oprah
and i aint got no where to stay.
I hope ya.
I hope you never feel this way.
You probably have your own stuff to deal with anyway.
Dear Oprah
Its shocking.
What its come to.
How my life is such a mess.
How quickly you can lose it all.
And I lost it, I confess.
I had a bad life, a bad home, and a messed up family.
And I woke up one morning and I got myself free.
Dear Oprah
You see I had to run away
Dear Oprah
and I aint got no where to stay
I hope ya
I hope you never feel this way
You probably have your own stuff to deal with anyway
Dear Oprah
Have you ever felt like breaking down?
When there aint no one that cares around
did you feel the this way, back in the day?
and what did you do?
Dear Oprah
You see i had to run away
Dear Oprah
And i aint got no where to stay
I hope ya
I hope you never feel this way
You probably have your own stuff to deal with anyway
Dear Oprah
Im writing you a letter, yea I'm feeling better, yea
I hope you never feel this way
You probably have your own stuff to deal with anyway.
Dear Oprah
I guess I'll turn the TV on and see what you've got to say....
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